WFO Congress Proceedings
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WFO Congress
WFO Technical Forum
World Foundry Summit
Resource Centre
- American Foundry Society
- Sponsors
- Association Technique de Fonderie - France
- Association of Foundrymen of the Republic of Belarus
- Society mexicana Fundidore - Mexico
- Czech Foundrymen Society
- Association of Danish Foundries
- Egyptian Foundrymens Society
- Association of Finnish Foundry Product Industries
- Foundry Institution of Chinese Mechanical Engineers Society
- Foundry Institute of the University of Clausthal - Germany
- Association of Hungarian Foundries
- ICME - Great Britain
- Institute of Indian Foundrymen
- Japan Foundry Engineering Society
- Korea Foundry Society
- Norwegian Foundry Technical Association
- Romanian Foundry Technical Association
- National Foundry Technology Network - South Africa
- Polish Technical Foundry Society
- Serbian Foundrymen's Society
- Slovenian Foundrymen Society
- Swedish Foundry Association
- Swiss Foundry Association
- Australian Foundry Institute
- Tabira Foundry Institute - Spain
- Tudoksad - Turkey
- Croatia
- Indonesia Represented by Growth Steel
Working Groups
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